Around 15% of couples of reproductive age are faced with this problem. The reasons can vary greatly.
What are the causes and what can be done about it?
First of all, it should be mentioned that most couples do not have complete infertility when the desire to have children is unfulfilled. It involves a functional disorder in most cases. Stress, being overweight, hormone imbalance and various diseases can be considered as causal factors.

The following factors should be considered:
- Problems with sperm cell production
- A blockage of the vas deferens
- An undescended testicle
- Varicose veins on the scrotum
- Impermeability of the fallopian tubes
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) (small follicles cause a hormone disorder)
- Endometriosis (uterine lining outside of the uterus)
- Thyroid dysfunction
- Hormonal disorders
- Cycle disorders
- Infections, such as mumps
- Medication
- Genetic reasons
- Being overweight or underweight
- Smoking, alcohol and stress

Female reasons for a failure to become pregnant:
Around 40% of all cases are due to ovulation disorders. PROFERTIL® female can promote a regular cycle with ovulation and, in doing so, improve female fertility.
Being severely underweight or overweight should also be mentioned. The result is too much or too little oestrogen production which can lead to hormone imbalance. Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism (thyroid underactivity or overactivity) can also affect egg cell maturation. Diabetes can have a negative effect on egg cell maturation due to the impaired insulin metabolism. The uterine lining grows in other organs when endometriosis is present. If this blocks the ovaries, the woman might become infertile. If the ovaries are stuck together, she might develop an infection which could also lead to infertility. Fibroids (uterine fibroids) may also be responsible.If there is an infection in the vagina or cervix such as chlamydia or a fungal infection, this has the same negative effect on fertility as problems with the cervical mucous.

Male causes when the partner fails to become pregnant:
Poor sperm quality and testicular damage are the prime concerns. For example, testicular damage can be caused by a hernia, infection or even mumps. In this case, hormonal changes are responsible for a functional disorder. Consideration should also be given to malformations of the reproductive organs (e.g. undescended testicle) for sterility. Last but not least, medication and being severely overweight can result in a considerable deterioration in sperm quality.
More and more studies have shown that miscarriages can also be triggered by the man. This is caused by DNA breaks in the sperm cells. Many women are probably not even aware of this. Furthermore, it is often not known where the cause for male infertility (idiopathic infertility) lies. In these cases, the intake of PROFERTIL® male is recommended.
Specific couple problems regarding the failure to conceive:
The first motto still holds true: Don’t just focus on one gender. It’s better to focus on both together.
For example, chlamydia can cause a blockage of the fallopian tube in women and prostatitis or epididymitis in men. Both genders are also affected at an advanced age because the sperm quality also reduces in the man. The probability of increased DNA breaks in the sperm cells increases in men from the age of 35.
Emotions and psyche:
The unfulfilled desire to have children can sometimes be so disheartening that it weighs heavily on the soul and psyche and can even cause illness. The inner tension and pressure that it must work soon. In the worst case, it can cause depression. This psychological stress can have many negative effects and stands in the way of fulfilling the desire to have children.
The following are specifically affected under certain circumstances:
- The hormone balance of both genders. The woman’s cycle can be thrown off track.
- If everything revolves around the desire to have children, this puts an individual strain on the psyche and the relationship. This can trigger a vicious circle.
- Psychological stress can affect the stomach. It can cause a loss of appetite. In this respect, a balanced diet is an important element for increasing fertility in both genders.
- Dejection can often take the joy out of sex. However, a certain regularity is the foundation for a successful pregnancy.
These psychological/mental problems should be addressed openly. They are no reason to be ashamed. It is important not to continuously occupy oneself with this “problem”. It is incredibly important to have rest periods and distractions with other things that are fun and enjoyable.
What support is possible?
Studies have demonstrated that PROFERTIL® female effectively supports female fertility and thus increases the chance of a successful pregnancy – completely hormone-free. PROFERTIL® male is also multiple study-proven and supports male fertility. This is a reassuring fact for women and men. The desire to have children is a joint cause after all.

PROFERTIL® – a strong team for successful family planning

If the desire to have children is postponed for several years, as is often the case nowadays: Advantages, risks and help that is available:
More and more couples want to start family planning from the age of 30 or even 40. It should be noted here that the egg cell and sperm quality is reduced.
Pregnant at 30+
Don’t worry if it doesn’t work straight away: The age 30+ is not a sword of Damocles hanging over one’s head. Do not be put off by myths under any circumstances. And do not think that the previous inability to have children is a stigma.
PROFERTIL® female has been specifically developed for women who desire to have children over the age of 30. Studies have demonstrated the supporting effect of the study-proven formulation on female fertility.
Pregnant at 40+
Oestrogen production reduces from around the mid-forties. Artificial insemination can also be an option if a natural pregnancy is no longer possible. In this case, PROFERTIL® female can support female fertility with targeted diet management during the preparation for in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or during fertility treatment.
This also applies to ICSI treatment or IVF treatment. Both can be the right way to fulfil the desire to have children for many couples. IVF refers to in-vitro fertilisation.
ICSI refers to an intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
Finally, we refer once again to PROfertil® female for women and PROFERTIL® male for men. The two products are a hormone-free and study-proven formulation which can demonstrably increase fertility.